20 Minutes You'll Never Get Back
A series of general interest topic podcasts lasting no more than 20 minutes long. Each podcast is a different topic that popped into my head. In theory they mix historical information, facts and hopefully some humor. I'll leave that up to you. And if there's time left over, you get it back.
Podcasting since 2020 • 152 episodes
20 Minutes You'll Never Get Back
Latest Episodes
TCP's* and the Missing Cat Food Bowl
True Crime Podcasts are major league popular right now. But Doug knows nothing about them. so with a little research he'll let you know how the True Crime genre came to be, and how the podcast medium changed the way people get their...
Season 2
Episode 151
Dad Jokes V
It's been three months or so since Dad Jokes IV and I figured why not now. After all, this is the 150th episode of Twenty Minutes You'll Never Get Back. So sit back, relax, fully expect to groan and shake your head as we go through ...
Season 2
Episode 150
Murray Hill 5-9975
That's Lucy and Ricky Ricardo's phone number. In Mayberry, Sheriff Andy would just pick up the phone and ask Sarah to connect him to someone. These days we all carry a phone book around with us. If someone's phone number isn't...
Season 2
Episode 149